Free Estimate
Getting started is easy!
You can reach us by phone, email, or filling out a quick form. We will be happy to get back to you.
Inground Pools
Getting started is easy. Our 3-step process gets an estimate to you as quickly as possible so we can book your job at our earliest available time.
• Contact us to receive your free preliminary estimate
• We send you an accurate quote within 72 hours
• On agreement and deposit, we book the job and start designing
Above Ground Pools
Above ground pools offer a great backyard getaway, giving you and your loved ones the perfect place to relax on a hot summer day while requiring less space than an inground pool. When determining the cost of above ground pools in Winnipeg, you’ll need to consider a few important factors.
Phone Lines Open Year Round
Monday-Friday: 9AM-6PM
Tech Support, Service & Sales All Year Long
**Call For Appointment Outside Retail Store Hours**
We'll get back to you quickly.
Visit Our Store
250 IXL Crescent
East Selkirk, MB
R0E 0M0
Summer Hours:
May 15 - Sept 15
M - F: 1pm - 6pm
Sat: 8am - 1pm
Sun: Closed
Fall Hours:
Sept 16 - Nov 1
Sun - Thu: Closed
Fri: 1pm - 6pm
Sat: Closed
Winter Hours:
Nov 2 - May 14
Retail Store By Appointment Only
Please call 204-226-0849 ext 7 to set up a time to meet with one of our staff